Introducing know the rose, Avalon

know the rose creates thoughtful, rustic-inspired floral art, fibre sculptures and installations.

As avid supporters of small businesses, art, interior design, and sustainability, when we come across something too good not to share, we share it. And that’s exactly what we’ve found with know the rose in Avalon. 

know the rose is everything you need to make your home look and feel wonderful. Providing thoughtfully created, rustic-inspired floral art, fibre sculptures and installations – which can be purchased through the online store or if you have something particular in mind, you can commission a custom piece. 

Founded by Rosie with the guidance of her mother and grandmother, Know the Rose is a wonderful example of how channeling the power of collaboration and female companionship can create something truly special. 

How did you come up with the concept of ‘know the rose’, when did it all begin?

I started know the rose with my mother and grandmother, who both gave me the courage to live life creatively. It all began when I was struggling to find motivation in my 9-5 desk job working as a graphic designer. Although I was in a creative field, I felt a great disconnection with my artistic self and was yearning for something more meaningful that would allow me to find a sense of purpose and rekindle my love of nature.

What are your and your mum/grandmother’s backgrounds? 

I studied Visual Communication and went straight from graduating to working as a graphic designer. Although I felt stuck being behind a desk all day, every position no matter how briefly held, gave me skills which I now use to manage my business. This background in graphics has also given me a keen eye for colour, balance and form.   

Growing up my parents owned a well-worn interiors and homewares shop called Rust, which became an Avalon institution for over fifteen years. Rust celebrated the poetry of decay with the salvation and restoration of beautiful once loved pieces of furniture, homewares and objects of art all sourced worldwide. My time spent admiring the pieces, dusting the shelves and styling the displays at Rust sparked my love of interiors and influenced my aesthetic that I’ve carried into my own brand. 

Some of my favourite childhood memories are when Nanna, Mum and I spent days working together in the shop, usually in the lead up to Christmas, we’d be frantically gift wrapping and helping customers but always found time to have a laugh, a coffee and a chocolate. We are three generations with a love of antiquity, a natural appreciation for the handcrafted, and a desire to create.

How do you all work together now?

Mum and Nanna are my biggest source of encouragement. They help me brainstorm ideas, workshop problems and keep me in check. We hold a meeting once a month, which I like to call my ‘board meetings’ with my ‘board members’ – Nanna, Mum and Dad (who I must say has also been invaluable with sharing his wisdom and creativity with me). During these meetings we discuss upcoming projects, website developments, marketing and a range of other topics that keep me accountable and ensure the business is progressing forward. 

Where do you get your inspiration from for each individual piece?

I’m forever inspired by nature and have a deep love for art and design which influences my work daily. Sourcing materials when immersing myself in nature through walks in parks, gardens or by the sea can become the basis of inspiration for a particular piece which then comes to life through experimentation with colour, form and structure.

How do you choose the name of each piece?

I name each piece with the aim of recognising and honouring the pioneering women who helped shape Australia’s history. The Women’s Museum of Australia is dedicated to identifying and preserving the place of women in Australian history. In 2000, they com­menced devel­op­ing the ‘Her­Sto­ry’ an online archive to make these outstanding women’s achieve­ments accessible and to encourage the community to recognise and understand Australia’s diverse stories, and embrace a more inclusive future. Without the HerStory online archive, it would be very difficult to find and share these remarkable stories.

The Women’s Museum of Australia is a not for profit organisation and relies upon the generosity of the public to continue their invaluable work. 

To donate visit:

Or call: 08 8952 9006

How would someone go about ordering a bespoke piece and how long does it normally take?

My favourite part of the job is creating custom pieces and working with the client to bring our combined vision to life. Custom pieces can range in size and intricacy – from a simple bouquet to a larger wreath, hand woven sculpture or floral installation, so the timing varies significantly! At the moment I’m working on a commission piece for a one metre large round vine wreath, with a huge peace symbol in the centre, surrounded by dried natives and foliage. This process takes many weeks, as it involves foraging all of the vine and letting it dry out before creating the base. Once the base is ready, I’ll also need to collect a selection of florals and dry these out before I fill the wreath. Alternatively, a custom bouquet for yourself or a loved one can be done in one day and delivered Australia wide! If you’ve got something in mind and want to have a chat, get in contact by emailing or send me a message on Instagram @knowtherose.

Can you offer three simple changes that someone could make to live a more sustainable life?

Small conscious changes are better than none at all. By now we’ve all heard of keep cups, reusable straws and BYO bags, so here are three simple changes you might not have considered yet:

1. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush – The first toothbrush you ever used as a kid is still lying around in some form, somewhere polluting mother earth. Why is that? Because toothbrushes take 1000 years to break down. Switching to a bamboo alternative is an easy step you can go out and make today!  

2. Support sustainable florists – When looking for florists to work with, look for those who don’t use floral foam, who source local or ethically certified flowers, and who are transparent about the ways they’re working to be ethical and sustainable in their industry. A dried bouquet is a great alternative to your weekly fresh bunch, it will last so much longer (years with the proper care) and doesn’t require water top ups! 

3. Have a gift wrapping drawer – The wrapping paper we use in Australia over the festive season is enough to wrap the world in paper almost four times. Save your packaging from online orders or birthday gifts in a drawer throughout the year and re-use it all at Christmas! 

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up, just start somewhere and do your best!


IG: @knowtherse