Presenting your property

First impressions count, and we want to ensure they make the most, and the best, impact.

1. De-clutter, de-clutter, de-clutter. Too many possessions around is an instant turn-off. It can make your property appear smaller, darker and poky, and as though it doesn’t have enough storage. Clear away any excess clutter, and then do two more sweeps to cut down on anything on surfaces or piled on shelves, or any furniture that doesn’t necessarily add to the look. The property should look crisp and spacious, and you want to give people the room to imagine themselves living there. If you have too much gear, consider renting a storage space for the period of your sale.

2. Polish the windows and any balcony glass until it’s sparkling. It will allow lots more light in, and showcase any views or the outlook.

3. Give the whole place a good clean. Wash the front door and wipe down all furniture, internal doors and walls. Make your property look as though it’s loved, and well-cared for. It then becomes so much more easy to love for a
potential buyer!

4. Repair any obvious cracks and fix any problems like doors that don’t close properly or windows that stick – all those jobs you’ve been putting off for a rainy day. It might be worth giving your property a quick paint touch-up too, we can advise on that or recommend a good painter or handyman.

5. Think about the way into a property. If it’s a house, sweep any steps and make sure the front garden or entrance is neat and tidy. Trim any grass, and consider putting in some extra plants or pots to brighten up the garden or yard to make it look more welcoming. If it’s an apartment, make sure the foyer is looking the best it can, even giving it a quick clean, polish and sweep on inspection days.

6. If we feel it’s necessary, and will pay dividends in setting your final sale price, we will talk to you about engaging a stylist to freshen your property up, possibly hiring furniture if it’s been previously untenanted.

7. The final touches: fresh flowers, a pleasant smell and lots of light. We’ll make sure your property looks as inviting on the day as possible.