Looking at local – skarfe, Potts Point

Skarfe, Potts Point

Hidden away in the back streets of Potts Point is a cave of wonders. A place of vibrant colours and delicate materials. And the owner and design vision behind it all is Brad.

It’s easy to see why Brad and his store are such a hit with the locals. Discreet when you need it to be, bold when that’s what you’re looking for. His scarves are a mix of anything and everything, all brought together by Brad’s keen eye for fashion and passion for design. Silks, cashmere, wool, even leather. All sourced from around the world. Modern digital print from Europe, handmade creations from Asia, limited edition collaborations with local artists, some are even his private clients’ own visions. Brad’s warm, inviting, collaborative nature makes this a haven for those who love to express themselves through fashion.

We asked Brad what it’s like to own and run a business in Potts Point:

1) Why did you choose to open your business in Potts Point?

I’ve lived in Australia for about 10 years now, and most of that time I’ve lived in Potts Point. So, it was convenient! But also despite being a dense and busy area, it’s thankfully still removed from that mall and chain store shopping experience. And it has a lot of character, as do the residents.

2) What do you like most about owning a business in Potts Point?

There’s a real sense of community. People in Potts Point support local business, whether it be retail or hospitality, and that’s important for any small business such as Skarfe. It’s cosmopolitan, but still has a bit of a village feel about it.

A treasure cove of colours and materials

3) What have been the main inspirations for your business?

I guess I look more to gallery type environments for inspiration rather than typical retail. I like to think that the scarves people buy from us are seen as items to be enjoyed and treasured long-term, rather than disposable fashion or on-trend accessories. I enjoy spaces where you can really slow down and take your time in a relaxing environment – a bit of an escape, and I hope that Skarfe feels that way to our clients.

4) What are the most significant changes you have noticed in the area, since opening your business?

The proliferation of exercise studios! And restaurants! Maybe one balances out the other. But obviously, Potts Point has become an amazing area to dine – we’re pretty fortunate. And I suppose The Cross has changed a lot already; night-life in terms of bars and clubs has certainly diminished, along with the characters that come with that kind of thing. It’s probably become a little more gentrified, which isn’t bad for business but maybe a little less reckless. I think this is the tip of the iceberg though, there will be a lot more changes to come!

locally designed, Australian designed, local business

5) Give me 5 words you would use to describe Potts Point?

Diverse, friendly, leisurely, cosmopolitan, beautiful.

SKARFE can be found at: 1/8A Hughes Street, Potts Point Sydney NSW 2011


Tel: +61 8057 5933

Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm

Sunday 11am to 4pm