How to cope with the Sydney heatwave

Frolic in the water

We’ve been a Sydney Real Estate Agency for a long time and we’ve seen a LOT of heat waves. We’re fortunate that in the suburb of Potts Point we don’t have to travel far to reach a beach. However, when the days and nights are in the 30s and 40s, sometimes even the beach isn’t enough to stay cool. If you’re starting to get a little stifled, we’ve put together a few tips to get you through the weekend:

  • Water . We’re surrounded by it. Thankfully, here in Sydney, we’re close to it. So jump it in. Pour lots of it down your throat – except the salty variety. That’s not a good idea. Please just stay hydrated!
  • If you’re lucky enough to have air con, spare a thought to your neighbours who may not. Why not host an ‘Air Con party’ and invite your nearest and dearest. In a Sydney heat wave there’s no ulterior motive to an invitation to “Netflix and chill”…
  • Ok, so it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement or for Matt Moran to roast a lamb in a car (how good is that campaign??!!). Avoid sharing constant social media updates on the inability to control your inner thermometer. Have faith in your friends… they probably already know…


  • Shut out the light. We all love a light and breezy home but sometimes the sun is just too darn strong! If you haven’t got awnings over your windows, keep your blinds and curtains closed. Hopefully this will help.
  • When you don’t have air con and the nights are sitting at 30+ degrees, it’s time to improvise. Fan + wet towel draped over you = emergency air con. When the days get too unbearable visit shopping centres, cinemas or anywhere else that will have air con cause, I don’t know if anyone’s told you, BUT IT’S GOING TO BE FREAKEN HOT!!!!