Halloween is just around the corner. So, what better time to host a little soiree with a touch of spook? And because we love a spooky yet sophisticated soiree, we’ve got some tips for you to make it wonderfully wicked; or maybe that should be wickedly wonderful? Whatever you go for, here’s how to put together an elegantly eerie Halloween dinner party.
Embrace the darkness
We recently found an idea on Pinterest from Camille Styles, of a black on black dinner table setting a loved it! The colour sets the tone perfectly for Halloween but also creates something chic. She details out how to create each part of the table, from the candles to the wax-dipped red roses.
Keep the dinner menu short and sweet
If you’re planning on being the chef, too many courses may mean you overstretch yourself. Stick to three or four and do them well, rather than five or six that are just ok. You want your guests to taste the effort you’ve put in. Of course, if you’re planning to hire a catering company have as many courses as you see fit. And don’t forget to check dietary requirements before you set the menu in stone.
Leave the cheese-factor to the cheeseboard
We’re going for spooky sophistication so serve up a styled charcuterie board amongst your spooky Halloween décor. Leave the lollies at the door and keep your guests sufficiently satisfied.

Add in some childhood favourites with a twist
Black poison toffee apples, to go with your black dinner table. Who didn’t love a toffee apple as a kid, I mean it’s good for you right? It’s made with an apple?? These will certainly create a sleek and spooky addition to your menu plan.
Lead your guests with lighting
Let your guests know what they’re in for from the moment they arrive. Lead them with lighting, such as this example we found on Pinterest. Use candles instead of lamps and big overhead lights. This will help to create an atmosphere that’s both spooky and sophisticated

Bring a touch of the classic
Use your food to allude to the Halloween classics, bats, spiders, ghosts, etc. This will bring a touch of fun, without turning into a Halloween cliché. Something like this marshmallow spider web cake
Decorate pumpkins in an elegantly chic way
Pumpkins are a symbol of Halloween, but they don’t have to look like the movies, or like you’ve got your inspiration from the local party shop. We’ve found some excellent ideas here on how to decorate your pumpkins in a totally chic way.
Keep your cocktails creative
Ditch the Martini glasses and go for something more dramatic. We found an excellent idea which uses vials instead of glasses Then gather some inexpensive candle holders, paint them black, and use them to hold your vials of cocktails.
We hope we’ve sufficiently inspired you to create your spooky yet sophisticated Halloween soiree.