Category: General advice

10 quick facts about Sydney you may not know

Whether you’re new to Sydney or born and bred here, there may be some things you don’t know about our beautiful city. Things that are also helpful (and impressive) to whip out when you have friends/family visiting from out of town. If you hear local’s talking fondly about “The Coat Hanger” they could be referring…

Things to think about before renovating

Working in Sydney Real Estate we see so many people considering property development. Either on a small, personal scale and buying a run down property to renovate as their home; or a larger scale where they’re thinking of buying, doing up and selling purely for profit. As a Sydney Real Estate Agency we have seen…

How to cope with the Sydney heatwave

We’ve been a Sydney Real Estate Agency for a long time and we’ve seen a LOT of heat waves. We’re fortunate that in the suburb of Potts Point we don’t have to travel far to reach a beach. However, when the days and nights are in the 30s and 40s, sometimes even the beach isn’t…